Trying out comments again
by nickadmin
Since the bad-old-days of the late 2000’s, it seems like comments on blogs are back in fashion because the spammers are finally under control. At least, as much as they can be. I might be a little bit optimistic on this one. I’m going to turn them on for new posts, be sure to let me know if you like them. You could, in fact, leave a comment if you wanted to. :) Comments are a great way to build a community and share knoweldge. Looking back over old comments from past posts, I see there was some good back and forth! The reason I shut them off years ago was because of the flood of spam comments I was seeing. I took some pretty extreme measures to stop the influx, but I still wound up with several hundred spam comments per “real” comment. That was frustrating. But hey, its a new day so lets try this out!