Possibility and Probability

A Python programmer with a personality thinking about space exploration

25 October 2017

Finding a new hobby

by nickadmin

Recently I was looking at the calendar and thinking about the remaining time in the year. One of my unofficial goals for the year was to get a new hobby. I’m sad to say that this never really happened, I was pretty preoccupied most of the year and didn’t get as much downtime as I thought I would. I am determined to change this but it occurred to me that I didn’t really have any good ideas for a new hobby. Sure I’ve got that guitar that I pick up every now and then, but what about going out on a limb and doing something completely new? But where would I start? What could I do?


This seemed like a great question for the internet at large to answer. So I posted to Facebook, Twitter, and my mailing list to see what other people are into. The message was pretty simple: “I need a new hobby. What’s your favorite?”  

Dear Twitter Friends, I’m in the market for a new hobby.  What’s your fav?

pls RT! — Nick Loadholtes (@nloadholtes) October 19, 2017

I got a lot of awesome responses! I am really surprised at how people embraced this question and offered up such interesting and great responses. There were even responses from friends-of-friends which is awesome because it helps me move beyond my “bubble” a little bit. Here’s a rundown of what people told me they are into:

I even managed to get a suggestion of something I could start with a friend! That was one of the more intriguing ideas and I think I’m going to have to do start that one. The idea was to start a podcast and talk about one of my favorite philosophies, Stoicism with an old friend. Such a great idea! In the end I decided to take on Knot Tying as a new hobby. It really appeals to me for a lot of reasons. It’s practical (I’m always needing to tie some string together), very portable (I could do it anywhere), and there’s lots of resources on it.
